import {MatPaginatorIntl} from '@angular/material';
export class MatPaginatorIntlCro extends MatPaginatorIntl {
/** A label for the page size selector. */
itemsPerPageLabel = '每页条数: ';
/** A label for the button that increments the current page. */
nextPageLabel = '下一页';
/** A label for the button that decrements the current page. */
previousPageLabel = '上一页';
/** A label for the button that moves to the first page. */
firstPageLabel = '首页';
/** A label for the button that moves to the last page. */
lastPageLabel = '尾页';
/** A label for the range of items within the current page and the length of the whole list. */
getRangeLabel = (page: number, pageSize: number, length: number) => {
if (length === 0 || pageSize === 0) {
return '0 od' + length;
length = Math.max(length, 0);
const startIndex = page * pageSize;
const endIndex = startIndex < length
? Math.min(startIndex + pageSize, length)
: startIndex + pageSize;
return `第${startIndex + 1}-${endIndex}条, 总共${length}条`;
providers: [
{provide: MatPaginatorIntl, useClass: MatPaginatorIntlCro }